Joe Mancera

I'm Joe Mancera

Web developer

Developer who loves to implement designs that inspire and attract people.

About me

My name is Joe Mancera. I’m from Colombia and I have experience in different roles with backend and frontend dev. I'm a passionate learner and I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow my skills. I have worked on high-performance teams, developing the best tools and technologies to solve problems.

~ sites > sites hyper-hypest > hyper-hypest git:(master) > hyper-hypest git:(master) git add. > hyper-hypest git:(master) git commit - m “Hello world”


I show you to me the best and important projects that I have. I think that this projects help me to know how do APIs, how implement that and do the interaction with the users.

CODI - Ecopetrol

This web app was created to ecopetrol to realize a digital courier to people outside of company

Shopping car - Ci2

This web app was created to admission test to Ci2 company, but I worked with its partner.


I learned JS and React.js with this project. I used the API cat to search images, breed and categories.


I have some skills that can provide a lot of value to develope, near backend and frontend teams, high quality products.


With HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript I can create responsive and interactive websites.


I have been able to create applications that allows users interaction with API's and a database.


Git helps me to manage my projects and I have been able to work with this on team projects.


I do testings with Jest and I have been able to write tests for components, functions and services.


WebPack help me to create a bundle of my code, so I can use it in my application.


Accessibility is so important for me, I want to make sure that my website is accessible for everyone.

Command line

Command line is a tool that I use to run my code, do something configuration, install packages and more.


I need to see my design in real time, so I use Figma to create my design, ideas and others documents.


I want to share with you my hobbies and some of my favorite things.



Listen to music

See car races


Everything I think or have in my mind, is influenced by incredible people, Their dreams come true, they give me the power to never give up and keep pushing.

Miguel Ángel Durán

Miguel Ángel Durán

Twitch Streamer Dev
“Don't compare yourself... You have just started, and you have many things ahead of you to learn and assimilate”
Pamela Valdés

Pamela Valdés

CEO & Cofounder of Beek
“If you are not willing to lose everything, you are not willing to win it”
Tatiana Calderón

Tatiana Calderón

Super Formula & WEC LMP2 driver
“The only person who can determine what your limits are is you”
Robbie J. Frie

Robbie J. Frye

Host of The Frye Show podcast
“You can earn more money, not more time”
Lewis Hamilton on Turkey

Lewis Hamilton

F1 World champion
“You can do anything you put your mind to!”